This is the third essay {~2900 words} in our ‘FREQUENCYNOMICS’ series - intending to spark our thinking differently and presenting ideas within a new, wholistic framework – Conscious Living.
There is no topic more speculated about amongst ‘awakened’ and ‘activated’ souls at this unprecedented time than what is happening with our economy: protracted + skyrocketed inflation to include food and fuel prices; the stock market that seems to be artificially manipulated as we observe it daily performing while defying all economic principles; the instability of our banks; the de-dollarization of our currency as more eastern countries band together in alliance to trade oil with local currencies, not the with the USD, the world’s reserve currency; the head-scratching and non-transparent moves by the Federal Reserve that are proving to drive our economy closer and closer to the cliff’s edge …
In Part I of this essay – ‘FREQUENCYNOMICS Of Our Money System’ - we discussed the notion that we are at war with dark forces who have controlled our planet and humanity for millennia, with both sides angling at this juncture to move their own Money System in to replace the current system that is collapsing under its own weight of corruption, criminality, and enslavement of humanity. Our beloved Richard Rudd in one of his Gene Key transmissions captured the collective Shadow state of greed that underpins this Material World - citing these statistics:
“Just 62 people – 53 who are men – own as much wealth as the poorest half of the entire world population that is 3.6 billion people. The richest 1% own more than the 99% put together. Oh my God. The reality is shocking to repeat.” Always one to go back and reach for programming in films and television, the famous quote by fictional character Gordon Gekko in ‘Wall Street’ echos in the chambers of my mind – “greed is good.”
Here's a Gordon Gekko monologue sprayed to protagonist Bud Fox, played by Charlie Sheen in the movie – keep in mind this film was released almost forty years ago – in 1987:
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation. It's bullshit. You got ninety percent of the American public out there with little or no net worth. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paper clip. We pick that rabbit out of the hat while everybody sits out there wondering how the hell we did it. Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy? It's the free market. And you're a part of it. You've got that killer instinct. Stick around pal, I've still got a lot to teach you.
Gosh, Hollywood ALWAYS puts it right in front of us, don’t they?
Back to the U.S. Debt Clock
In addition to the top and bottom wealth disparity, real time calculated fields on the U.S. Debt Clock provide a surgical view of the state of the situations that Joe and Jane Main Street are faced with everyday living. Focusing in on a grouping of fields provides a clear tell about this great divide between the 1% and 99%:
Median Income Now - $39,320 | Median Income 2000 - $31,595
Median New Home Now - $423,277 | Median New Home 2000 - $161,213
Average New Car Now - $49,538 | Average New Car 2000 - $22,073
College Tuition Now - $26,478 | College Tuition 2000 $10,578
Health Care Cost Now - $14,527 | Health Care Cost 2000 $5,335
And, looking at the eagle view the U.S. debt clock provides, we are witness to the sobering fact that the U.S. National Debt hit $34 Trillion at the end of end of 2023, purported to be rising $1 Trillion every four months. The largest budget items - Medicare | Medicaid, Social Security, Defense | War, and Interest on Debt - are soaring and trending to increase. We have a nation that normalized dealing in trillions of dollars now, not billions. How did that happen? The swift move of that decimal point was made possible with ease by the fiat currency that is our USD, run amok by the Federal Reserve shell games over this century. Everything represented on this debt clock is merely digits in a computing system – a mirror of our Money System that has no underpinning value – the proverbial house of cards.
NESARA | GESARA is speculated by a growing number of people around the world paying detailed attention to be the new Money System that the Alliance has built for us that represents a new global economic paradigm with financial and economic reforms that change the way our whole world operates. This {highly speculated} global Money System runs in opposition to the Deep State Cabal’s published Great Reset Plan, centered around fiat Central Bank Digital Currency – CBDC – sans physical currency.
NESARA is the acronym for ‘National Economic Security and Reform Act.
GESARA is an expansion of the U.S. National Act extending to global financial and economic reform – ‘Global Economic Security and Reform Act.
Origins of NESARA
Right from the get-go, know that there is no concrete evidence from the U.S. Government or affiliated players in the know to support that NESARA is real.
So why do these ‘conspiracy theories’ continue to abound and expand in awareness to the greater collective? We’ll come back to that question after we investigate key principles of NESARA.
Key Principles of NESARA
Collectively, these key principles of NESARA demonstrate a new Money System that is a high-consciousness, Spiritual System, much more than just a political money system. If you read Part I: Frequencynomics of Our Money System – you can see that each one of these key principles provide a spiritual cure to our ancestral, material ills by bringing light to the dark forces revealing just exactly how they controlled us: liberation from debt enslavement; abolish income taxes; the fear-based enforcer IRS is gone; return to the original constitution and the Republic; election security; asset-backed currency and a new US Treasury Bank System aligned with original Constitutional Law {not the UCC}; the release of suppressed technologies to heal humanity of all illness and disease; and last but not least – NESARA holds the frequency of LOVE with covenants for world peace.
Back to Origins of NESARA
Note to readers: There is a plethora of information | disinformation about NESARA on the Internet, and I’ve chosen to bring forward research from as they adhere closely to the information that I’ve resonated with over the last six years by synergistically pulling research and writings from multiple sources. Caution, you can get lost in the all the rabbit trails of the myths and stories connected with NESARA – so approach additional reading forewarned. Also, there is a divine invitation here to push out of your thinking mind as your primary intake filter and move to your gut intuition, your solar plexus ‘brain’ while reading this information. This will guide being in tune with the resonance factor vs. limited by cognitive dissonance that arises from long-held beliefs that are being challenged here.
According to, “The Act was passed by the American Congress in the year 2000 and never proclaimed. It was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the present time of transition […] NESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from Earth during a transitional period preceding Ascension {evolutionary leap in consciousness of the planet and humanity} so that the planet’s sovereign citizens can again focus their spiritual attention on planetary transformation.”
According to the resource blog A Place to Open Your Mind, many very powerful groups actually prevented the implementation of NESARA, including those in government, courts, banks. According to this source, many white hats involved in enacting this act, or law, have been assassinated.
After much negotiation, the Supreme Court justices ordered the Congress to Pass the NESARA resolutions on September 9, 2001. Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce debt forgiveness to all U.S. citizens, the new US Treasury Bank system, and abolishment of the IRS, as part of the declaration of NESARA on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time (the blog A Place to Open Your Mind). However, you know what happened to prevent the implementation of the NESARA Act that was planned to precede the implementation of the GESARA Act worldwide.
Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.” (the blog A Place to Open Your Mind)
According to, the Pentagon was later hit on that day where the special team supporting this law all convened “where they were going to implement the new law, the Pentagon.” (
According to this source, all those involved with the implementation of this law were all murdered that day, as the place they gathered at the Pentagon was hit with a remote controlled missile (
Mixing Conspiracy Theories?
Is NESARA connected to 911 catastrophic, homeland event? Is there evidence that our political leaders perpetrated this horrific act on their own people? So far, there is no evidence in the public arena to know for certain either question. But we do have this: The 911 truther commissions, alternative news outlets, and citizen journalists - who dedicated a collective lifetime of man-hours digging for the truth - tell us the evidence is conclusive that the narrative the world has been told about 911 catastrophic events at the hands of terrorists, {and let’s not forget that we started two wars in retaliation against Afghanistan, and going on offense in Iraq, that lasted decades and took more lives and U.S. treasure} … is a lie.
We don’t have to know the truth to know something is a lie.
Foundation of Trust: NESARA | GESARA Is Real
I have consistently put in my own hours upon hours of research over the past six years that went beyond studying these conspiracy theories about NESARA. Once I awakened to the idea that we indeed are in the period of The Great Shift {– cosmically and spiritually humanity and our planet are making an evolutionary leap in consciousness}, my worldview expanded to include processing everything from a Galactic view.
This includes that I have accepted there are off-planet, higher consciousness beings assisting humanity to ascend out of this 3D controlled reality system to a new, 5D Earth, becoming the new human that is of higher consciousness spirit than the low conscious frequencies of our physical vessels. I accept all this because I am personally experiencing this evolutionary process to becoming sacred human.
This includes that I have accepted we are also being assisted by Ascended Masters and the Company of Heaven to liberate the planet and humanity from the dark forces that held us captive for millennia.
This includes that my Galactic view yields to the Divine Plan that is our lived reality now at the loving hands of God, Source, Prime Creator …
With that, I’m offering facts reported {finally} of real events taking place mixed in with faith-knowledge that resonate as truth for me. Take what resonates for you and leave the rest.
Our Money System is the head-pin system of our world. Whoever controls the Money System controls the world. It stands to reason even if we have no factual evidence, that the Alliance not only have created a new Money System, but they were assisted by high-conscious, off-planet beings to bring on an advanced technology system that operates for the world in the frequencies of love on the new 5D planet.
We are at war. It’s a Spiritual War, a War of Stories | Information War that is taking place with most humanity being unaware. There are mystical, magical stories coming to light that can’t be understood or accepted as real until we expand our consciousness, which is the process that makes the 95% of our unconscious reality, conscious. For instance, the St. Germaine myth linked with making NESARA | GESARA an unimaginable abundant reality.
The sacred covenants of NESARA | GESARA will bring a return to asset-backed currencies, predominantly gold-backed currencies, that ensure parity - equity in trade across the world. “But, there’s not enough gold to underpin value in money for the entire planet” is often the first spoken obstacle by the uninitiated. But in the War of Stories, we find the crack in the argument. There is a great possibility that there is more gold on the planet that was confiscated away from its country of origin and held in various territories owned and controlled by the Deep State than we know or can imagine. Hearing the stories about 650 plane loads of gold being taken from tunnels under Vatican City and transported to destinations that eventually repatriate the gold back to the countries from whence it came is so difficult to hear, even more difficult to accept.
Those of us following the NESARA myth for clues about the U.S. being first to implement this new Money System are finding things took a very different turn. Since 2008, the BRICS Alliance has united Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa + the recent addition of six large oil trading countries - Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, have been successful to liberate their countries’ banking system, international payment system, and currencies away from the control of the Deep State’s Global Central Bank and introduce trade in currencies other than the USD, which has held the position as the world’s reserve currency for eighty years. In addition, Vladamir Putin announced BRICS has received interest from thirty additional countries to join the alliance, which will be determined in the summer of 2024 at the 16th Annual BRICS Summit.
The original five-member nations of BRICS hold a total 32 percent of the world's GDP {may be nearing 50% with these recent new members} compared to 30 percent held by the G7 countries …
Earlier in 2023, BRICS announced BRICS Pay, which replaced dependency on the Global Central Bank SWIFT Payment System.
The use of local currencies other than the USD is systematically devaluing the dollar, contributing to the destabilization of the US economy.
It’s my personal assessment that there are Spiritual underpinnings to the BRICS Alliance that have yet to be covered by our media, or even by our alternative media outlets. Feel what resonates for you:
The BRICS Alliance is at its very core - first a peace agreement. I just don’t buy it that countries that have been long-storied to be great enemies could enter into an enriched, ground-breaking trade agreement that is changing the whole world order in just 15 short years – without moving to peace between them.
The covenants of BRICS trade agreements introduce the spirit of Net Trade, which holds grace and beauty in its potential to move the world from a debt economy to a gift economy. For example, in a Net Trade deal, let’s say Russia wanted to trade oil for rice with China. The two countries would make the trade based on the market value of their export and the only currency exchanged in the deal is for overage when the trade is not one of equal value exchange.
This is a classic scenario where the Spiritual sum of the parts is greater than the whole. The spiritual vibe we are consistently hearing from Putin about his aspirations for Russia and the united front the Alliance holds against the deep state west … well I for one am faithing that this is GESARA in all its glory and we are finally getting a glimpse of what is to come with NESARA in the U.S.
In Closing
Each of us is receiving that spark of awakening at different times on our path so it is challenging to write an essay like this that will drive straight down the middle for this audience. If this essay does not resonate for you, that’s ok. Or if you have different ideas based on your knowledge + intuition, I’d love to hear your thoughts. But here is an important ask: It’s critical for us all to be out of the clutches of fear during these uncertain and chaotic times and lift our internal vibration in resonance with love, peace, and harmony. This is what is needed to accelerate our victory over the enemy. With ascension energies hitting the planet now, it’s getting easier for us to move to higher grounds of consciousness and peaceful inner states to prepare for the amazing future ahead – The Golden Age.