We cannot change how someone thinks, but we can give them a tool to use that will lead them to think differently. Buckminster Fuller
FREQUENCYNOMICS is the start of thinking differently >>>>
Introductions of whole new ideas to the world beg for context, and this is especially so with - FREQUENCYNOMICS: The Invisible Super-Power Behind Everything.
We draw context from sticky ideas that have already made their mark on humanity:
At the turn of this 21st century, two bestselling non-fiction books permeated the cultural mass psyche and became iconic bodies of work: FREAKONOMICS, authors Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubnar – and The Tipping Point, author Malcolm Gladwell. Both books’ authors utilized the uncommon fringes of economics and the social sciences to study and explain hidden and what seem to be random phenomenon.
FREAKONOMICS is an ‘account of how incentives of the most hidden sort drive behavior in ways that turn conventional wisdom on its head’. {AMAZON}
The Tipping Point ‘explains how social epidemics – spreading ideas, messages, behaviors, and products – function like viruses, growing gradually until they reach critical mass – aka the tipping point – and explode’. {Goodreads.com}
Both books beckoned readers and followers to look at the {material} world in radically different ways. Closer scrutiny suggests that at the heart of their topics both books were signaling the essence and power of unseen “attractor energy fields” – which tapped into the scientific research and body of work introduced by Dr. David Hawkins in his earlier published book titled – Power vs. Force. And it is through Hawkins primary tool, a gift he bestowed to the world called the Map of Consciousness, that we can scientifically accept the hidden power of FREQUENCYNOMICS as an essential tool for building new systems.
The Quantum Science & Spiritual framework for transitioning to the new Age of Frequency and for guiding artisans & architects in building new world systems.
FREQUENCYNOMICS holds the power of syntheses combining:
Practical application of Divine Natural Laws
Humanity’s evolutionary leap to higher consciousness
Higher principles and intelligent energies of the new era - love, peace, forgiveness, and freedom - that govern the tenets of each new system
Saying Goodbye to Limitation
As materialists living in the Material World, we have long been overcome by Limitation – a low frequency band of consciousness that has kept us limited in our knowing within the confines of our thinking mind and 5 senses.
An outgrowth of Limitation is the habitual surrender to group-think – large external attractor fields that become our false reality, or what modern culture coins as - toxic mimics – which leads us to our behavior being primarily driven by how much we ‘self-identify with the System’. Toxic Mimics have us identifying with the whole System that is not us. {Anonymous, smart man}.
These false realities have long suppressed our abilities of knowing truth by disconnecting us from the wisdom of our soul, and the super-intuitive nature of our spirit.
Power of Attractor Fields in the Time of Covid
With the “outbreak” of Covid and the ensuing lockdowns in early 2020, a message about the vitalness of stocking toilet paper was broadcast throughout our Mockingbird corporate media, went viral, and lasted months.
The relentlessly repeated uniform message created a fear-based thought-form embraced by the people all across the country, intentioned to create a fast growing and strong attractor pattern – “whatever you do, don’t run out of toilet paper,” which had its effect to immediately modify the behavior of the masses to buy in bulk and hoard toilet paper. What is the point? It is a lever to keep us in fear.
See how this works?
Rules of The Old Game
One of the gifts of the great awakening is that we see clearly the threads of deceptions that dominated us, to the point we can’t believe we didn’t see it before. Not only did we not see it, but we were conditioned to defend these systems - all of them, at all costs. We see this still with our fellow brethren not yet awake.
Knowing primary rules of the game that went into creating the fictions of our material world reality systems helps.
False realities + toxic mimics are intended to limit humanity’s knowing - lower consciousness – to get us to identify with the system that is not really us.
Use polarization to manipulate people through generational programming to identify only with specific variations of the System – and not its polar other to deeply divide us: Income, race, political party, race, gender, race, education, race …
Make believe a patriarchal God who is external to man, put him off planet to separate us, weaken us and keep us powerless, beholden to the Religion System of choice.
Maintain the System’s illusion and fiction through total control of global messaging and external programmed reinforcement via Hollywood, that began seriously early in each one of us through the fiction education system.
Make the System complex so the masses can’t understand it. Create a Hierarchy power structure, with elites at the top who are the only ones who need + able to understand our complex systems.
Create complete dependence on the Systems so the people blindly obey and defend it. {If you get your water from a tap and food from a store – you’re dependently fluffed & fooked}.
“It’s our government, it’s the Republicans, it’s the Democrats, it’s election fraud, it’s Russia, it’s China, it’s funding wars, it’s climate change; it’s taxes, it’s big corporations taking out small business, it’s big pharma, it’s our diabolical & unaffordable healthcare system, it’s big tech and loss of freedoms with surveillance & state control, it’s AI, it’s social media & suppression of free speech, it’s high taxes, it’s our education system, it’s the Christians, it’s the gays, it’s Wall Street and the stock market, it’s our state and local politics …
I was up to my crown in all systems as recently as five years ago, so I go easy and graceful with those still asleep. Remembering, humanity has collectively been living from lower levels of consciousness that limited us, separated us from our creator, divided us, had us accept that life is complex and hard, living meant surviving, and the ways in which we survive are to compete, fight and even kill others in the name of defending what we think is right. Wrong became right; up became down; bad became good. Wasn’t this prophesized?
At the risk of being trite and condescending, we, like Dorothy trying to get back to Kansas, now realize it’s us all along – we’ve had the power within to return to heaven on earth reality system. And we might have pulled it off were it not for ancestral patriarchal strongholds + generational forces that intoxicated us with money + material trappings + indulgences of the matrix reality that seduced us with the promise of personal statures of ego-power in our own little worlds - so we easily bought the fictions as real.
This is where we’ve been.
All of that is about to change.
New Rules Easy is Right
We frame these five underpinnings for the new tools of FREQEUNCYNOMICS:
HOMO SANCTUS: We are sacred human; everyone by virtue of their birth has access to {their} genius, prosperity, and love-filled relationships.
MATTER TO SPIRIT: Collective humanity is ascending in consciousness in the bridge-Age of Frequency, unifying with creator God, and the unseen Divine universe.
CONSCIOUSNESS IS CAUSE: Humans’ super-natural abilities are activated; we move into practical applications of Natural Laws, aware of our divine power to create in the present moment.
NEW EARTH: You don’t arrive to a new earth. It arrives through you.
HETERARCHY: A high-consciousness social model beyond Hierarchy for organizing people and businesses. Heterarchy is based upon the principle that if an individual is not in balance, then the group has no chance of finding balance.
Look for the next newsletter in the FREQUENCYNOMICS Series: