This piece is the second in our ‘FREQUENCYNOMICS’ series - intending to spark our thinking differently and presenting ideas within a new, wholistic framework – Conscious Living.
FREQUENCYNOMICS supersedes the social science of Economics that prevailed in this Material World, to provide simple, relevant + essential tools for artisans + architects building new systems in the new bridge-Age of Frequency.
“Reality systems [civilizations] are seeded; they rise; and then they fall, adhering to the classic bell curve. This is because corrupt individuals are always trying to find ways to game the system, figure out how to do so as it rises to its peak, and then it is the corruption that causes the whole thing to fall apart …” - Penny Kelly, Consciousness Intuitive
We don’t think about our world in the context that Penny Kelly describes – the rise and fall of civilizations or that we are in fact witness to the end of an historic Era, because Eras last over many, many generations, so we simply can’t relate. And when we are living through it as we are now, it’s almost too profound for the majority to realize the magnitude of what we are experiencing – there is no template or map that says – “You Are Here” with a destination arrow to follow.
The United States is just ~250 years young, but it was ‘born’ within in a ‘civilized’ era began some 2200 years ago. Referred to by the astrology crowd as the Age of Pisces, this era we are leaving is recorded by historians as the Age of Material. {To give a bit of context to the rise and fall of Eras, the supposed fall of the Roman Empire took place at the very beginning of the Age of Pisces}.
From the get-go, we’ve believed as a nation that we are the world’s beacon of freedom. As we peel back the layers of deceptions and false realities, we’ve discovered that nothing could be further from the truth. As you read on, hold in your heart the essence of FREQUENCYNOMICS as a higher consciousness framework for understanding Money Systems and in contrast to the low conscious nature of Economics, the complex filters that have limited humanity and prevented us from experiencing the highest vibration of FREEDOM.
The Reality Systems of the Material World
The Reality System of the Material World, which is what many awakened ones refer to as the ‘illusion’ or the ‘matrix’, is collapsing, in totality, including all twelve of its systems beginning with its headpin system – Money & Finance. These 12 Systems {below} are spheres of influence for a civilization and are tightly interconnected. When the headpin system falls, they all fall. As we take in the sobering data in the chart above, knowing there is not a remnant of equity, fairness, justice, trust, or goodness left that our forefathers poured from heart and mind for us to use to fix all that’s broken.
Perhaps, for the first time in this civilization’s history, instead of sorting out how to fix existing systems the people get to consider all new systems – “What do we want our world to be?” “What do we need in a Money System?” “What do we want our Government & Law System to do for us?” “What Education System will nurture our children’s gifts to serve well in their purpose and life’s work? “…
Before we are equipped to build new systems for the new world, we take a pause to understand the nature of our Material World systems that are failing under their own weight of criminality + corruption and have been used destructively by an elite ruling class against humanity, over this entire era.
Generationally, humanity has been like frogs in the pot, not realizing the heat kept getting turned up or by whom, which kept them adapting to survive.
The Material World operated at superficial levels of consciousness where both the ruling class and those being ruled were consumed by humanity’s dark, Shadow frequencies of behavior - victimization, vanity, greed, psychosis, fear, etc. Collectively, we are awakening to the deceptions of the illusion that generations were spelled to think was real. Consider, we have dominion over all species, yet we are the only species that pay {money} to live. We are the only species acting out the concept of ‘class’ defined by wealth - slave class and ruling class as ends of the continuum. So many of us thought we were comfy and cozy in our middle-class financial security, but now realizing this is quickly vanishing. We were long programmed to be enslaved, surrender to it. This programming served to position the early U.S. Money + Finance System as the headpin system, weaponized to control humanity through debt enslavement as we reached for the American Dream – work, work, work for money, money, money. The few with the most money have all the power. The ones with the most toys win …
We were never meant to have dominion over each other. The low frequency of enslavement does not abide by the light of Natural Law, and so it cannot be sustained any longer.
How did one system gain providence over our other systems?
The 12 Systems that create our world:
The Material World Reality Systems have an ancestral strong-hold for securing leaders from ancient Bloodline families, false-birthright claims, and ordinations to power positions through wars and bribery with money + power. This swinging door of bloodline puppet leaders throughout this era seeded a perpetual Patriarchal ruling class over the masses who lorded over all systems {money, food & agriculture, education, medicine, business, planetary, science, religion, technology} and that valued money and power above all. As a result, generationally, we’ve been living deep in the illusion that money makes the world go.
Collectively, this represents a fear-based, low conscious reality system. A hierarchy of systems with Money at the top - the primary consideration forcing all the other systems to yield to before creating anything within the individual system. The litmus test for our innovations, inventions, … will it make a profit? Will the bankers value it as capital-investment worthy? We can revisit the wealth distribution chart above to know exactly how the hell we got here: I’m old enough to remember when corporations were created to make and sell products, not created billionaires who go on to rule the world. {If non-profits immediately come to mind as exceptions, how do the leaders at the top running massive non-profits like Goodwill, American National Red Cross, Run-for-the-Cure, Samaritan’s Purse, and Mega Churches like Saddleback Church– amass their personal wealth?}
“Our current Systems operate in the material world specifically structured to maintain the status quo based on centuries-old science - Darwin’s theory of evolution - that has had humankind struggling to survive. The systems, in which sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell are the arbiters of everything, and where our egos are conditioned to move around in the world of competition, conflict, separation, and struggle – offer very little inputs to nurture our souls.” Gregg Braden
The U.S. Money System
The U.S. Money System has a dark past explicably linked to our Government + Law System that majority of citizens, for generations, knew nothing about. Until the great awakening. We have awakened to the illusion, the dark elements of our systems, and like the Wizard in Oz, ordinary citizens have pulled back the curtain to expose the history of deception and criminality in our all-powerful Money System, deeming it Toto-ally unsuitable to our soul.
What We Know As Fact
If this information is new for you and you’d like to take your own research path, highly recommended, I have included links to vetted sources on the topics. Provided here is a short overview of a few key events that drastically changed the course of the U.S. over the last 150 years.
The Act of 1871
On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from Britain and THE REPUBLIC was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.
This second Constitution became the legal overseer to a newly formed U.S. Inc. - a corporation, existing on its own legally independent parcel of land, with its own laws, known as the city state of Washington, D.C.
{We are reminded – the single goal of a corporation is to make a profit for shareholders}.
“In 1871 Congress, Senate and President enacted the law known as the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871. Since that time, everything we think we know about our country – the United States of America, our Government, our law enforcement system, our agencies, “elected officials,” right down to our beliefs about ownership of property, licenses, titles, certificates … it’s all a Fiction.”
The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil – international bankers — thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. The international bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the united states for America and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.
With the passage of “the Act of 1871” a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution – the United States’ secret second constitution.
The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three-city empire. The three-city empire consists of Washington D.C., City of London, and Vatican City. City of London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is over the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City.”
Excerpts from:
For 150 years the U.S. has been ‘run’ by a corrupt government that deceived generations of Americans to serve itself against the American people.
You Don’t Own Yourself. The Federal Reserve Does
The truth about our Money & Finance System is stranger than fiction.
“… It seems that back in 1913 the United States was short of cash. There were several financial panics —— so the country needed to print more money than it had as equity to restore confidence in the money supply and get the economy back on its feet.”
“When you or I need more money, we use something as collateral and go to a bank for a loan. When a country needs more money it has to go somewhere also. But in 1913 there wasn’t anywhere to go. So the U.S. created the Federal Reserve Act. This established a private central bank (The Federal Reserve Bank) that would regulate the amount of money the US government was allowed to borrow and put in circulation. It also would expect to be repaid, like any bank, with interest.”
“After only 20 years things went from bad to worse. During Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, in 1933, the US was unable to pay its debt. The county was bankrupt, which was the third bankruptcy – once in 1789, which had states sign on as security for the Fed’s debt, and then in 1861 {when Southern states said “no more”, wanting to succeed rather than sign on to paying the federal government debt}.
“The private banks that made up the Federal Reserve demanded their money and Roosevelt responded. He had to use the only thing left of any value to pay the banks and continue doing business with them — the citizens of our country …!”
{Excerpts from }
“In 1933, when the Federal Government went bankrupt, they passed EO 6102 and HJR 192, pledging its citizens as collateral to back the government debt.”
“Also In 1933, with HJR192, the government took all the gold, all the true money, all the property {instituted eminent domain + property taxes/divided land titles} and instituted the income tax to control the labor of the people.”
{Excerpts from}
Creation of the Birth Certificate
Within moments of our coming into the world, the elite rulers in Washington, D.C., with puppet-master control of our Medicine System, get notified immediately from attending physician + birthing assistants, who complete and sign a form to send from the hospital that an additional collateral asset is being transferred onto their rolls.
The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is on file in the official records in Washington, D.C. and the property and assets of every living U.S. Citizen is pledged as collateral for the National Debt.
Within two weeks and three days each Certificate of Live Birth is to be filed in Washington D.C. Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from $650,000 to $750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed.
Your Strawman
Your Strawman, your legal fiction, is created by the birth certificate to manifest this fictitious legal entity using specific change to your name. Example: “If a baby has been named ‘James’ and the family name is ‘Martin’ – James Martin would be the name expected on the birth certificate. The alternative Strawman entries will be any of the following: JAMES MARTIN, Mr. James Martin, or anything else that is not ‘James Martin’.
Our individual Strawman legal fiction is registered into the system where we pay into the ruling class coffers for life once we come of age, by way of – ‘Income Tax’, Council / County Tax, ‘Inheritance Tax’, ‘Capital-Gains Tax’, ‘Road Tax’, ‘Import Tax’, ‘Value-Add Tax’, ‘Fuel Levy’, ‘Sales Tax’, ‘Bank Charges’ ‘License fees’, ‘interest on credit cards’, ‘interest on bank loans’ ... “Meet Your Strawman: And Whatever You Want To Know”
In the imaged Birth Certificate, we see the red numbers and indicator that it is a “Bank Note.”
The Levers of Power
One of the key economic levers the elite ruling class uses against the people is to make our systems so complex that the 99% can’t understand how things work. Because if we did understand, we would have seen through the Matrix illusion, and their gig would have been up long ago. The level of human programming and conditioning can’t be underestimated. We’ve had 70 years of Hollywood films and Television ‘programs’ telling us everything they were doing, subconsciously programming us, and we just consciously bought it all as fiction and entertainment.
A great example is the time they stuck the truth right in our face, telling us this reality system we are in is an illusion, by way of the hit Hollywood trilogy series – ‘Matrix’. Now we know, the ‘Matrix’ film is documentary. But here's the thing – if you were not awakened first watching this film, you would have no opening for the light of truth to get in. It was just another sci-fi thriller, featuring new ‘technology’ to film fight scenes and with a bizarre plot line, right? Watching some twenty years later, the awakened view it for tells, experiencing aha moments in many scenes.
The Money ‘Experts & The Enforcers’
With our globally complex Money and Tax System, most workers in the U.S., at all levels of income, are compelled to look to external experts to maximize their income for personal gains and to function legally within our tax system.
Basic knowledge about Money & Finance taught in primary education years is limited to keeping banking accounts balanced, surface knowledge about taxes, investing in the stock market, and basic economic principles – enough to participate lightly in the system. The more money you earn, and the more wealth accumulated, typically the higher the dependency on external experts.
The economic policies of the Federal Reserve, the stock market, bond markets, treasuries, foreign currencies, global trade etc. are beyond most of our comprehension. Consider the following:
Tax accountants are needed to assist even the most straight forward tax returns because it was all made complex with tax laws changing from year to year. This is big business – collectively we spend significant money to hire the experts.
Global tax preparation services market was valued at over USD 30 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) around of 4% from 2023 to 2030.
Financial Planners are {supposed} informed experts we hire to help us navigate our nest-egg + our portfolios within ever-changing investment vehicles and stock market volatilities for sound investment strategies. Financial Planners and investment houses made it so joe + jane main street wouldn’t have to be sufficiently informed to grow and protect their investments.
The United States financial services market is aided by the finance planning and advice market in the region, which reached a value of nearly USD 64.05 billion in 2023 …
The IRS. At the core of our Money & Finance System we have the enforcers - the IRS. They have power over us and unbending command of the ever-changing rules. The IRS wields fear into the most upright of men – and we’ve been conned into compliance with this fiction system. How did the IRS, a private organization with unelected leaders, become the most powerful enforcer of U.S. tax law?
Americans identify the money paid in taxes honestly goes to run our government and help our country. We pay “our fair share” through taxes, and especially contributing to social security so it is available when we personally need it in our retirement – all in the name of financial well-being and security for ourselves, our families, our state, our country. It’s all complete fiction. Our tax dollars are paid to the Federal Reserve. Full stop.
Currently, the U.S. dollar is fiat currency, not backed by hard assets (gold, precious metals) since the Nixon administration. The control of our Money System is in the hands of the elite ruling class via The Federal Reserve. The great awakening occurring is revealing the true historical narrative about our country operating all this time as a corporation and its weaponed position as a super-power in terms of wealth and military might in the global scheme.
The consciousness of our reality system valued money & power above all – to the extent that we now see that for the dark ruling class, war is the great lever that keeps their coffers filled as money flows uninhibited to the Military Industrial Complex during war time. The U.S. has been the epic-center of this great war machine for the majority of our country’s existence.
War and the World’s Reserve Currency – The U.S. Dollar
Source: Investopedia: How-us-dollar-became-worlds-reserve-currency
The dollar has been the world’s principal reserve currency since the end of World War II and has been the most widely used currency for international trade.
The Forgotten Gold Standard
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the Federal Reserve Bank just before the start of World War I. Our Federal Reserve rules over our money system. The Federal Reserve is a private organization not checked or beholden to our federal government. The Federal Reserve has never been audited, and no one in our federal government has any power over the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is owned by the same global elite ruling class who own the planet’s Central Banking systems in 209 countries.
World War I
When World War I broke out in 1914, many countries who pegged their currencies to gold suspended the gold standard to pay their military expenses with paper money, which devalued their currencies.
Britain held to the gold standard to maintain its position as the world’s leading currency and found itself borrowing money for the first time during the third year of the war.
The United States became the lender of choice for many countries that wanted to buy dollar-denominated U.S. bonds.
The dollar replaced the pound as the leading reserve currency after Britain abandoned the gold standard in 1931, which decimated the bank accounts of international merchants who traded in pounds.
World War II
Before it entered World War II, the United States served as the Allies’ supplier of weapons and other goods. Most countries paid in gold, making the U.S. the majority owner of gold by the end of the war.
A return to the gold standard became impossible as countries depleted their reserves.
The Bretton Woods Agreement
In 1944, forty-four Allied countries met to develop a system to manage foreign exchange. Known as the Bretton Woods Agreement, it established the authority of central banks. The delegation decided that the world’s currencies would no longer be linked to gold but pegged to the U.S. dollar.
The U.S. dollar was officially crowned the world’s reserve currency and backed by the world’s largest gold reserves thanks to the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Instead of gold reserves, other countries accumulated reserves of U.S. dollars.
Needing a place to store their dollars, countries began buying U.S. Treasury securities which they considered to be a safe store of money.
Vietnam War
The demand for Treasury securities and the deficit to finance the Vietnam War and the Great Society domestic programs caused the United States to flood the market with paper money. With growing concerns over stability, the countries converted dollar reserves into gold. The demand for gold was such that President Richard Nixon was forced to intervene and de-link the dollar from gold.
De-pegging the dollar from gold led to floating foreign exchange rates.
As of 2022, central banks {operating in 209 countries} held around 59% of their reserves in U.S. dollars, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Many of the reserves are in cash or U.S. bonds, such as U.S. Treasuries.
All is about to change …
The Silent War … Being Waged Now
Imagine a war in which the majority of one side didn't know they were at war, ridiculed those that did, and were blindly obedient to their enemy. @austerrewyatt1
Further, imagine a war plan with invested strategy on only few knowing we were at war when it began, and victory only came after the masses were awakened to it because the essence of their awakening was essential to winning.
Indeed, without the masses realizing, we have been involved in a global silent war, possibly for decades. This is a non-kinetic, information + spiritual war between the dark ruling class globalists and ‘the Alliance’ {the light team being led by Source} – believed to be benevolent factions of our military, political & corporate actors, and ‘leaders’ of foreign states to gain control of the planet away from the globalists - ‘the one world order crowd’ - who have openly shared their plan for humanity’s future in a publication - “Agenda 2030” authored by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.
All Wars Are Bankers Wars
In the midst of this Silent War, the U.S. is financially supporting the kinetic war in the Ukraine, and, there have been consistent pressures on Congress from Israel supporters and activists for the U.S. to financially support the kinetic conflict between Israel and Hamas over Gaza.
Here we are again, at war, but this time – in the Silent War - the stakes were higher than ever before. We see an Alliance war strategy visibly unfold, revealing the major first battle fought was essentially for control of the global Money System. Sufficient events have played out at this time in December 2023 to reveal that both sides planned for the current central banking, fiat Money System be collapsed and deemed irreparable before moving new systems in place.
What We Know About The Globalist Enemy Agenda
We know the future that the global elites want us to create because they’ve published their plan for the world to see. Agenda 2030 outlines their vision for our future, which spells like a Hollywood sci-fi block-buster film. Pick your poison – Terminator II, Elysium, War of the Worlds, The End of Tomorrow, I Am Legend, The Hunger Games etc. etc. etc. - that have programmed humanity to hold subconsciously a dystopian vision of the future that took most of humanity beyond daring to hope there is a utopian future available to us.
Their Agenda:
Central Bank Digital Currency System based on fiat currency + no paper money;
a modest universal monthly income paid out to humans who maintain a requisite social score that reflects total compliance with their systems;
we own nothing - no property, no cars, no land, nothing and we like it.
total monetary enslavement and controlled, permanent states of lack. We’ve seen this play before in China.
Not today, Satan. The frogs jumped out of the pot.
What We Intuit About the Alliance
We don’t have certainty what the Alliance replacement Money System is because they’ve never revealed their moves or countermoves. What we do have is a cache of clues that have been weaved together to create sound, reasonable narratives that a replacement system exists.
If we were watching a movie, this is where the playable characters look at each other and say – examine the evidence and decide for yourself - there’s not only a new Money System already in place, but this System is an evolutionary leap into quantum computing wiring the entire planet and is being ushered in across the world as the onramp to peace and prosperity for all.
The Paradox of the Silent War
So very few knew when this war began, and, it was already won before it began.
If it’s already won before it began, why are we in this protracted shit storm? There is serious shit gone down in the recent past, too numerous to call out here, but I dare write, there is not one person on the planet that has not been deeply, significantly impacted by the events that played out in the past seven years. It had to be this way.
Why? Because we have been frogs in the pot and the people we voted for, who we have trusted to govern our country, states, and cities, protect our country, lead our corporations, provide our medicine and our care, teach our children, provide our food and water, report the news truthfully, entertain us, … are the very people turning up the heat to harm us, to kill us and we would never believe it if we didn’t see their hand on the burner knob for ourselves.
I’m often reminded of a red-pill conversation I had with a dear, rational friend who finally cautioned me about the fraudulent claims with the 2020 election. Her take was that it would have taken an unbelievable mass of people at the federal, state, city, county, level, across national election network of volunteers, including the corporations and vendors providing voting technology, the media … wayyyy too many people would have to be in on it, and she wasn’t buying it was possible.
Yeh, that’s what a dad told his young son when he asked if Santa Claus was real. Dad’s reply - ‘son – do you know how many people would have to be in on that charade if Santa wasn’t real’?
The longer this silent war has played out the awakened feel into ‘the plan’: If the Alliance made their war moves publicly to defeat the enemy too early it would have gone down as a coup – and coups often lead to great unrest among the people, or worse, civil war. This is the United States of America at a serious crossroad. We are divided - identity politics, culture wars, and racial tensions created by the enemy all turned the heat up on the pot. The enemy’s war-game was to program us and divide us as a country, not like when two sides fought against each other in the Civil War, not just a political divide either. We’re talking about a divide that became so deep on multiple political and social issues that families could not even sit together peacefully and joyfully at their holiday dinner table … we are upside down, inside out with our beliefs about everything as it turns out and most of us couldn’t even identify the enemy if we had to. Probability is high it would have led to a bloody kinetic civil war.
So, Where’s the Light, Beacon?
If this silent, information, and spiritual war has already been won, when do we get to the long-awaited victory? When does ‘the best is yet to come’ day arrive?
Stay tuned …
A Glimpse Into: Part II – FREQUENCYNOMICS Of Our Money System
… a groundbreaking shift is on the horizon, one that promises to recalibrate the very essence of our economic systems. This seismic transformation …, is the Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA). A beacon of hope in a tumultuous sea of uncertainty, GESARA is not just a plan; it’s the dawn of a new era in global finance.
The U.S. fiat dollar, long the cornerstone of global finance … marks the end of an era dominated by the {global elites} … world banking system and the advent of gold/asset-backed currencies. This shift is not just a change in currency; it’s a renaissance of financial integrity and sovereignty. Humanity moves from debt and slavery to liberation – reclaiming their freedom, divinity, and sovereignty.