This piece is the second in the series of ‘Regenerating Elmira’ – a digital Outpost for Elmirans intending to spark our ‘thinking differently’ and presenting ideas within a new, wholistic framework – Conscious Living. ‘Regenerating Elmira’ leads us to tap into the unseen, intangible possibilities of new beginnings and rebirth of this special place as humanity and the entire planet experience a leap in evolution making our way into a new world.
We ended the first posting - “Welcome to Regenerating Elmira” – with a simple question:
If Elmira could talk, what would she want us to know?
After analyzing the volumes of historical data records within the ‘History of Elmira’ site – we easily see the evidence that speaks out - above all - she is imploring us to awaken to the reality that it is through us that she rises, and it is through us that she also falls.
Consciousness is at the root of societal problems and consciousness is the path for building together the world we dream of now – ‘heaven-on-earth’ reality.
-Richard Rudd
Consciousness of Elmira
Our planet Earth—is alive. So too Elmira is alive - and she is part of the cosmic phenomenon that is evolving the consciousness of the planet and humanity at this time of THE GREAT AWAKENING. It may be challenging to think of Elmira as a conscious entity with her own unique ‘DNA’ - yet that is the spiritual-science truth of our quantum universe.
We exist in a living, conscious universe where EVERYTHING shares an energetic essence.
This GREAT AWAKENING phenomenon is leaping humanity beyond our thinking mind and our five senses, activating the dormant strands of our DNA, and shaking awake our super-sensing and intuition as the path to knowing. Consciousness is everything. Consciousness is ridiculously important.
The Big Picture Context for Consciousness
In 1969, the band called the 5th Dimension climbed the top of the song charts with their hit single – The Age of Aquarius. This song heralds the dawning of a new age – the astrological cycle of the Age of Aquarius. The song’s prescient lyrics celebrate the ushering in of a utopian Age - a time of peace and harmony, when all will be well in the world, and all the falsehoods are gone. The age of truth and higher levels of consciousness among all of creation.
THE AGE OF Pisces - (OLD)
We are leaving the Age of Material, or in Astrology terms - the Age of Pisces – which lasted from ~1AD – ~ 2012.
Astrologer Alice Bailey, refers to this old world as an Age of Glamour. She offers:
“We are so easily fooled by glamour; anything glamorous dazzles and enthralls us. As a society, we are willing to pay anything for a dream and neglect what is real. The movie industry captures the mood of our time, and this is illustrated by how much we are willing to pay celebrities to look good, while we are content to accept that practical workers who contribute something real and tangible in the world, including teachers, nurses and the working class citizens, can barely pay their mortgages.”
“This is the Age of Pisces in a nutshell: trying to make a dream real, while ignoring the underlying practical reality. It is an age of denial and fantasy. We are so hooked on glamour that we have completely lost sight of the underlying reality, which is why we don’t experience the degree of spiritual connectedness our ancient ancestors did. Being held in a hypnotic trance by glamour actually prevents us from connecting with what is real.”
We Are Saying Goodbye All This …
… for realsies.
Over the past couple of decades, a growing number of visionaries, scientists, spiritualists, and intuitives have entered the global stage to share with humanity their vast knowledge of Consciousness and its enlightened and essential role this plays at this time. Through their work, they all point to same foundational idea: We are faced with getting real about healing from the low conscious living ways of the Material World because we’ve lost perspective in the density of the illusion of what it means to be human.
“The 20th century witnessed the greatest suffering with the greatest number of lives lost at the hands of other humans, in the entire history of the species.”
- Gregg Braden, Fractal Time
Twenty-one years ago, heralding the great shift upon us, author Gregg Braden also wrote this in his book - The Isaiah Effect
– “we have lived our lives, solved our problems, created relationships, and cared for our bodies based upon the way we’ve been taught to think of ourselves. That we’ve been taught that we’re powerless and insignificant beings living in a world of competition, conflict, separation, and struggle. This false belief is reflected in everything from how we approach our most intimate relationships to the social issues that are destroying our communities and societies today.”
Elmira + The American Dream
If you grew up in Elmira in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s – you feel that was a different reality than the reality system now dominating. There was a heart-centered relationship between families, friends, and even special places we were drawn to be, not even realizing at such tender, young ages the effect her beauty and splendor was having. Harris Hill look-out point still raises my vibe every time, even when left to imagining being there or glimpsing a photo of her vista views.
There Was A Catch With The American Dream
However, in recent decades, there has been an almost unbearable heaviness there as Elmira became one of those small towns in America that came to signify the great forgetting – a collective forgetting what really matters in life. We grew up learning to participate in the American Dream {myth} – graduate high school, get a job, start a business, or attend college, get gainful employment that suited our talents and skills and hopefully our dreams for home ownership, marriage, family, community, giving … But so many of us were beginning what would become a life as adults filled with work, work, work, for money, money, money - above all - to compete, thrive in the material world + maintain our standard of living through the ebbs and flows of our economy. For too many of us there has been a constant struggle to survive in the ever changing and fast-growing global arena that big government began building in earnest in the 1990’s that, once again we look back over thirty years and ask – “how the hell did we get here?”
This descriptive above by Thomas Merton captures the dark under-pinnings of the American Dream myth that collective humanity was generationally captive to.
We Moved Out of Our Light
We moved out of our light. We let the systems seduce us to move out of our light. And, when we view Elmira through her historic lens, we can see tangible ways she was moved out of her light as a result: The decay of once thriving family neighborhoods; the puzzling structure changes to downtown; blocking the river off from the visible landscape of downtown for the fifty years after the great flood of 1972 – deeming it dangerous; the changing demographic away from ‘family’ that began with the demise of manufacturing + the struggle for the single earner in the family to make ends meet each month; the addition of a second prison and the rise of the prisons as the top job creators - which created an accelerated shift in the demographic and with it the onramp for big government’s hands in most systems to shape the town atmosphere as a dominant government-dependent culture through social programs, education, medicine, real estate, economic development initiatives …
Consulting the Elmira history data listings over the past forty years, we easily connect the dots of policy made by our federal government that were in response to the tidal wave of policy making from the ‘World Economic Forum’ and additional global power-bases influencing the U.S. and other developed nations to move into one global economy. This all filtered down to the local level.
Elmira is no different from most other small towns across the country that became broken with the rise of big corporations and the acceleration of the global economy. We consented to Elmira’s descent - albeit unwittingly. Collectively, we just never stopped to figuratively bring-the-future-to- the-present and fully grasp the magnitude of it all.
As the global Material World implodes on itself making way for the emerging new world, the winds of change have arrived in Elmira! {We have evidence of this beginning to percolate, and we will delve into this topic in future postings here}.
We’ve deeply felt the unseen energetics of her long-held shadow. Elmira has been in lower conscious states for decades. Just like our planet. But also aligned with the Earth, she is signaling that she is ready to evolve and move to expressing her gifts, giving to her residents like she once did so long ago. There is a first step before she can ascend to these greater expressions. She needs to heal.
But, how? Simply, we can come to understand Elmira like we do humans who first need healing before wellness and thriving take hold, because both are conscious entities. Enter the Gene Keys tool.
Gene Keys
One of the aforementioned visionaries and spiritual scientists helping the awakened to understand in relative terms these times we are experiencing is Richard Rudd. Through the science of Epigenetics, we’ve learned that our DNA serves not just the genetic blueprint of our physical body, but also it is the expansive map for making known our spiritual essence. Rudd created an amazing tool for us to discover our individual spiritual essence through an algorithmic profile that identifies and describes the frequency bands of energy that we are born with stored in our DNA. These are called Gene Keys.
Gene Key Defined
The 64 Gene Keys … are the core archetypes found in every aspect of our universe … they are the core of all natural systems. Each Gene Key is a multi-dimensional portal into the inner being whose sole purpose is to activate higher purpose and ultimately allow us to embrace our own divinity. Within each of the 64 Gene Keys are three frequency bands that express low to high to highest states of consciousness.
Shadow – low states of consciousness
Gifts – expression of our unique genius
Siddhi, Christ-Consciousness - also known as enlightenment on the Spectrum of Consciousness
Elmira is a conscious entity, so we easily apply the Gene Keys tool by accessing Elmira’s profile. By entering her DOB of April 6, 1808, we download her free profile – you can see the listing of her unique Gene Key sequences HERE:
For those new to Gene Keys + the whole concept of the GREAT AWAKENING phenomenon, a great deal of new information is presented here. Take heart. We are just setting the platform for future ‘Regenerating Elmira – Outpost’ issues, where we will become deeply familiar with Elmira’s spiritual essence and get use of the idea that she is a living, breathing, conscious entity.
A Listening Path
Elmira’s Gene Key Profile is our listening path with her. By way of a conscious listening path, we will hear what she is communicating at this time of her lock-step evolution with the planet.
Every time we look-see certain slices of history that occurred over the course of Elmira’s founding through present day, we now have this tool of her DNA blueprint to bring her spiritual story alive. She will communicate where she needs to heal, as well.
Since the birth of her founding in 1808, we see that early colonizers and settlers pitched her into a new role, a distant afterthought, instead of the go-to life force that Native Americans sought from her. The low consciousness of the colonizers with their playbook of conquering land, building cities, new societies, everything in the name of progress, scaffolding for the future American Dream myth –- signaled Elmira to retreat back into her low, shadow states of consciousness:
Immaturity, Greed, Unease, Agitation, Superficiality, Doubt, Force, Weakness, Discord, Co-Dependence.
Contrast these Shadow traits with her gifts - what she graciously provided to the native inhabitants who lived with her, not on her land, before the colonizers arrived:
SuperAbundance, Aspiration, Clarity, Awakening, Presence, Truth, Strength, Majesty, Equality, Tenderness, Discernment, Empathy, Sensitivity, Sacrifice.
Even without being familiar with the Gene Keys, we can feel into each one just by saying out-loud the singular energy-archetype. Fortuitously, they each have a frequency that matches the state of consciousness they express.
When looking inward-Elmira, into her Gene Keys profile, we get a reality check. She won’t return in all her splendor without the grace and kindness and service of those who hold her in heart space. With our assistance and stewardship, Elmira will breakthrough these generational stronghold Shadow-states liberating her amazing Gifts when she is ready to pour forth goodness for people.
We honor her potential to return to sacred land and for providing life for Elmirans in a new age where Humanity’s currency is LOVE.
Note to readers: Look for our next post coming soon:
‘Elmira is Crazy’ + The Winds of Change
The rise in acts of kindness, heroism is healing energy for Elmira
If this article on Regenerating Elmira interests you, stay tuned for more by subscribing {free} below to receive future articles when they post. And please share the link with other Elmirans you know who might have interest.
If you have a desire to download your own free Gene Keys profile - here is the link to the site.