With the accepted science of Quantum Physics governing the foundation of true reality, many gifted people have been working to solve the mysteries of our bio-energetic human species and the expanse of our environment to include our electromagnetic planet and universe.
Gregg Braden is heralded among them. In his presentation –
“The Holographic Model of Consciousness” – GB looks to the basic tenets that emerged from the recovered sacred texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hamadi cache for a tapestry of clues.
The first tenet – “there is only one of us here” points to the Natural Law of Oneness and suggests our true reality in the unseen world.
It’s difficult to wrap our heads around this concept, initially, because most of us don’t have a model of understanding for our mind to take it in and process. But there actually is a reality model to help us comprehend this law and that is the ‘hologram’.
Braden shares this simple and elegant definition of ‘hologram’: