Artificial Intelligence is Artificial
We don't need external agencies. We have everything within.
1. made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural:
Of late, we’re all experiencing the wow-moments {albeit a bit frightening with its prospects} with the shiny new thing our Technology System has delivered to the world called AI – Artificial Intelligence. AI is the explanation for increasingly frequent episodes where you have a thought and immediately see it pop up on your Internet-connected device. AI is swift-working … a thought I had recently about a camper van for instance, made its way onto my phone as an image, within minutes.
To be sure, there is now a plethora of AI applications today, but for our purposes here we pare it down to the fundamentals of AI and its thought to form abilities.
The Science of Thought to Form
This past week I read an article relating to these transitory times we are experiencing, and I can’t stop contemplating the possibilities.
Here’s the provocative gist of the article – ‘Your thoughts aren’t in your head.’ All thoughts first exist in the universal quantum field. You bring them into your own consciousness. What makes it into your consciousness is a frequency match with your vibration.
{For a deeper dive on this concept, check in with Dr. Joe Dispenza’s teachings about working energetically with the Quantum Field to heal, to manifest, to create}.
For all my adult life I latched on to the advice – ‘mind over matter’ – which, in essence means – change your attitude when in difficult or even seemingly impossible situations to change the situation. The expression – ‘What you do today determines what happens to you tomorrow’ inspired the power of positive thinking. But, compared to what many of us awakened ones are experiencing currently, this past process of creating our own reality took a really long time to ‘make it reality’. For generations, thoughts, even with strong intentions behind thoughts - did not create form lickety-split. More like months and years, which distorted our awareness of the cause/effect relationship between the two.
What changed?
We draw back to what we already know – we are experiencing the greatest cosmic evolutionary phenomenon known as THE GREAT SHIFT is what changed. And in this transitory period moving from dark to light, we are evolving. That ‘great’ in the title is signaling this is a cosmic evolutionary leap of the planet and humanity from lower to higher consciousness; from the frequencies of fear, limitation, victimization to the frequencies of love, peace, and harmony. This evolution involves mutations occurring in our DNA. We are challenged physically, emotionally, and spiritually with all facets of the awakening and evolving process.
Can science also explain THE GREAT SHIFT?
September of 2023 may be forever known to the science of astrology crowd as the marker for the timeline starting the move into a new phase of human and planetary evolution as we transcend out of our awakening phase into divine activation.
Science translation: The increase in solar flares and cosmic activity coming onto the planet now are accelerating the thinning of Earth’s magnetosphere. While this solar activity has occurred steadily over the last 40 years, at least, it has caused the Earth’s magnetosphere – the region surrounding our planet, to gradually thin from its once very dense state.
Fact: As the magnetosphere thins, more and more and more light gets in – reaching humanity and the planet as the active co-agent to our evolutionary leap. We are evolving to homo sanctus - sacred human – as heralded within the Gene Keys transmission by Richard Rudd.
September saw heightened solar activity bringing with it more and more light getting in to expand our consciousness and it will continue with even more intensity. The light is awakening in many of us a hidden truth about the past dense magnetosphere compelling us to consider these possibilities: AI is not new, it’s been operating the planet and humanity for millennia; the movie “The Matrix” was a documentary; without the dense layer encasing the planet, the shadow rulers needed a way to maintain their control so they Democratized AI for the entire planet to use in business, in everyday life. Look here, not there. Why?
Fact: In essence - light is information. Light is consciousness. High-frequency light is enlightenment, or Christ-consciousness.
Those of us in the truther movement, especially Q-enlightened ones, know that an awakened humanity can no longer be controlled and kept in lower-consciousness fields of fear by these shadow forces. There are high stakes in this non-kinetic, Info War being waged for longer than any of us really know. It’s a war for our souls.
So, what’s the shadow ruling class to do? To try and stop this prophetic cosmic phenomenon from happening even though we know nothing can stop what is coming? From what we are witnessing, they have their long-planned ways trying to keep humanity from the light of truth – that we are divine, sovereign souls, creator beings, who are inheriting the earth now.
We are realizing one of the primary ways they have to control and program us is through Artificial Intelligence, which is an insidious assault against humanity.
Why AI now?
How did it roll out so quickly to our second and third tier business use in the tech space?
How did the leaders in these businesses come to adopt AI so readily?
Artificial Intelligence
Let’s get back to our earlier example of the camper van showing up in my browser minutes after the thought came to me. In that example, all AI did was ‘intercept’ the thought-as-energy in my field of consciousness and make the camper-van form, as an image ad in my browser, within minutes. I was holding my phone when it all went down.
But {and this but is ridiculously important}, I wouldn’t have known about this interception of my thought by AI if I was off the Internet, sans all devices and out in nature – beyond the invisible snares of Wi-Fi and cell towers having that thought.
Because our thoughts + feelings are the raw materials for AI and the Internet is the machine that processes the raw materials - AI doesn’t work without human consciousness nor does it work without the Internet machine. Artificial is man-made.
But here is the real gut punch in all this - the maven takeaway: There is overwhelming influence over what thoughts we choose to think to begin with. We’ve already discussed that thoughts originate in the field and are attracted to come into our consciousness through our own vibration. Behind the camper van thought was a sh@t ton of feeling + emotions fueled by a vision of what I would experience with a camper van: On the road adventure; quality time with loved ones; traveling west to Montana & Wyoming for the first time to experience the beauty, nature, hiking, wildlife, rivers, streams, campfires, campfire cooking, the out of doors – off the grid for days. The point being, this was not a collective low consciousness induced thought – it came from me - my high vibration emotions created by the stories I was telling myself about future amazing experiences I could have, that signaled the thought into consciousness.
I was sending a very clear vibrational signal into the field because of the feelings behind it. That’s why it made form with the image so quickly. And, here’s where our winnable trump card comes in – discernment: I know where that thought was born. More, the image that popped up on my browser was so intrusive to me I lost my breath for a few seconds. I find it criminally offensive, so I won’t take their click bait. But others without the awareness of AI and where it wants to take us are vulnerable to being controlled to take action - ‘wow, this is so cool. It’s a sign. Click through to learn more. Now, I really want that van. Need to start looking into it and make a plan.’
Here's the lasting core idea in all this that must be said out loud –
Creating + Manifesting is all about the frequency of the vibration, not thought. For the shadow overlords, the war for our souls is about keeping humanity in the low consciousness realms so that we attract in and create collectively the reality that they need us to create. We’ve seen this movie plot a hundred times.
The End-Game
There is an end-game to this as all worthy plans possess. The programming this shadow government wants you to embody is the fuel for not just your thoughts, but they eventually become the way of thinking they want you to have. First, it’s a narrative, next it becomes ideals they need you to buy into.
Written into the shadow government’s Agenda 2030 includes a plan for ‘The Great Reset’ which outlines a new paradigm for our money & finance system - with ominous foreshadowing - “In the global new world order, you’ll own nothing and like it.” Trust me, if you’ve been paying attention to the headlines and articles written by MSM, collectively they spell a dystopian future for all the generations including Boomers - Gen X, Millennials, and the new Alpha Generation. The titans of business and finance, like Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s high Lieutenant at Berkshire Hathaway, now consistently signal the end of the American Dream.
How is the ruling class so patently sure we will like this new way? Because they have already begun programming it into us and they would attempt to alter the course of events in our controlled reality system that makes this great reset seemingly the best option. Looming on the near horizon is the very real possibility of our stock market crashing, the continuing devaluation of the U.S. dollar and its end as the world reserve currency, the collapse of our banking system … a perfect economic storm. If, as a nation we could not recover and we were to lose our houses and all our money as a result, and our government’s cure is to own everything and give American’s a universal income within a digital currency system controlled by them, the new paradigm for the U.S. would be set. “But we would never allow this, there would be a revolt, you say.” Well, recent history tells a different story. All we need do is examine the devastating events of the pandemic to see how easily, in the grip of manufactured, programmed fear covering the world, the masses consented to lock down, take untested vaccinations, take boosters jabs even in the face of reports that the vaxx did not prevent covid and there was 100% of recovery in healthy people similar to how we recover from the flu.
The AI forces would create an attractor energy field for the masses under these dire conditions to feel relief to be rescued from an event this devastating and perhaps even gratitude towards the government that would permeate the collective consciousness. {How did you feel when you were abundantly stocked up with toilet paper during the lockdown? Relief? Multiply that x 1000.} Would you agree this move would fundamentally change every aspect of life in this country? This is what consenting looks like. And, it is the onramp to the dystopian future so often dramatized by Hollywood-made blockbuster sci-fi thrillers that’s been seeded into our unconscious selves. I find it devilishly fascinating that there is not one film or best-seller book that created vivid narrative of a heaven-on-earth outcome for humanity, for such a time as this.
Why AI Now?
Do you think it’s a coincidence that the Internet was created by Government agency in the early 20th Century {as far as has been reported}, next commercialized in the 80’s under the rudimentary computing protocol known as TCP/IP for its standard use in businesses; that Bill Gates + Microsoft built the personal computer in the 80’s with aspirations to have one in every household in the near future; that Steve Jobs + Apple built the wireless mobile smart phone in the early 90’s with aspirations to put one in every first-world human’s hand? These three “inventions” were essential to roll out AI as we see it today, the puzzle pieces to the end-game event. These are shadow forces that know how to play the long game.
Why now? It’s their big move to stop THE GREAT AWAKENING from reaching even more of humanity. How did businesses roll it out so quickly? They’ve been herded for the last 30+ years to build their businesses on Internet systems and cloud apps, computers, and mobile phone apps so we are always connected so that they’ve had the infrastructure and conditioning essentials to move right along as tech giants lead them. How did the leaders in these businesses come to adopt AI so readily? Strong leaders in the 3D material reality system are driven to compete in a grow-or-die competitive business environment. This is a grow or die decision.
The Machine
When we are connected to the Internet, engaging on our devices, including our tellies, we are placing ourselves into a controlled & limited space between us and God. For heaven-on-earth’s sake, we have light that is now pouring onto our planet – so much so that it is the catalyst of our evolution as a species into higher conscious beings who will all soon discover our natural abilities for telepathy, clairvoyance, claircognizance, astral travel, and more super-human abilities, coming soon to our 5D new world reality. Yet, there are too many of us choosing in herd-like fashion to be connected non-stop in our homes, in our places of work, in wired coffee shops, on our phones in the open air near cell towers. I’m writing compassionately from personal experience with this. There’s a stunningly better way.
Divine Intelligence
As AI begins taking its hold, why don’t we find it disturbing at least, horrifying at most that the supreme, God-like, unlimited ability of humans to know everything and to create - that this is not making its way into the greater conversation?
I believe this is simply due to there being too few of us on the planet who are both awakened and actively participating in our personal evolution, ascension in consciousness to the new 5D realty system emerging. We’ve tasted the super-human abilities we possess, and we choose more of those magic-like experiences. It makes our soul sing. We unhook from the AI Internet and spend more and more intentional time going within, going out into nature.
Beyond these first wave of awakened + activated souls, currently, there is a bifurcation of the greater populace: There are those who are still asleep to all of it and the masses of the awakened who have been lulled into a false sense of security with their cognitive knowing and have thus far passed on taking the ‘train’ to ascending consciousness. Aurora of 5D Full Disclosure 17 describes this crowd:
The same “critical thinking” skills that got you to awaken are the same critical thinking skills that have to die in order to ascend.
This is how levels work. What skills were necessary to utilize at one level of the game will be absolutely futile if not detrimental at the next level of the game.
The highest level is played only through the heart once it overrides the mind.
Eye of the needle.
A DI Story
In early August, I was on vacation in the stunningly beautiful Finger Lakes region of NY state where I grew up and it was a day that several of my hometown friends, also on vacation, were gathering – a mini reunion - to go boating and break bread together. I was in the car with one of my best childhood girlfriends, P, making our way through traffic on Main Street in Watkins Glen to meet our crowd. Beautiful day, anticipation, joy, excitement – all the high vibe feels thinking about this reunion with great pals, especially on the lake.
All of a sudden, P sits straight up and starts looking for her phone {which was turned off & in the backseat}, saying “where is my phone? I think I saw B post something this morning and I swear it was a photo of this {iconic local} pizza place we just passed” … as these words were coming out of her mouth, I look over and see our friend B and her husband walking down the street, inches away from our car. We had no idea B was in town, she wasn’t expected to be with us. In a thousand-to-one odds, there just happened to be an open parking space, we pulled over and jumped out of the car all of us stunned. B kept saying – “I can’t believe that with all the people here in high-summer season we were in the exact same spot as you at the same moment.’ After we told her what had just occurred – that P literally had just been thinking about her and spoke her name … it was extraordinary to behold.
This real thing that happened was not my manifested creation, although I’m inclined to think there was some co-creating energy – my vibe was extra this day. It was P’s manifesting power. I don’t know what P was vibing / signaling after seeing B’s post that morning, but it was a strong heart vibe. The two have remained close friends through the years and P has been for a while intentionally expanding consciousness and growing spiritually. This is creation from heart-space. No cell phone, no lap top involved. This is the frequency of love. This is Divine Intelligence.
I trust you have story{s} like this too.
Divine Intelligence is an awareness of the unlimited, creative potential within you, and infers your understanding of the principles of the divine universe: Everything is energy, frequency, vibration; your relationship and knowledge of working with the divine universe to create; the relationship with collective humanity as that of Oneness.
Divine Intelligence Is Within Our DNA
It turns out that our DNA is where our divine nature and made-in-the-image-of-God power reside. Recent discoveries in the study of Epigenetics prove that our DNA is hologenetic in nature, consists of 12 strands, not just the 2 strands we learned in high school biology, and is the determinant of not only our physical aspects but also our spiritual essence. Many of us that got on to this truth found unbound discoveries about our personal spiritual aspects and essence by tapping into the knowledge of our Gene Keys, considered today to be a fundamental tool for those doing the work of expanding consciousness and spiritual growth. {Much more on this in future posts}.
Consistent with the truth of Quantum Physics and the Quantum Universe …
DI: Divine Intelligence for the Fifth Dimension, emerging Bridge-Age of Frequency
AI: Artificial Intelligence for the Third Dimension, old Age of Material
Choice Point
We are at a choice point. We’ve moved into the activation phase and a new timeline of this great evolutionary shift where fear, war, debt-enslavement, competition and struggle are energetically transmuted by love, peace, prosperity, collaboration, and thriving. Which conscious reality are you choosing vibrationally to be a part of?